Sequel to Archi Collab. Hoja is an open source multi-tenant multi-domain web building system to create and host websites. The vision of what is for changed many times. Right now my current idea is to use it to create websites for my own clients. It went through a huge rewrite at some point.
Coral Sandbox
This is a small web space where I build interactive experiences for my son Coral. Learning letters, playing with colors, learning to use the mouse, keyboard, using the camera, the microphone. He's almost 3 so nothing too complex. I add things as inspiration comes.
My alternative take on the Spaceport for StartOver.xyz; mostly an experiment to try out creating the navigation style of Niagara Launcher. I didn't quite finish porting all the data and maintaining it.
Wavy SVG
A small app to generate random SVG wave patterns. Built in an evening, it was fun. I built it for creating wavy divisions on my website originally.
Before / After Audio Player
A playlist-based audio player to compare before/after soundtracks. Initially made for a client as a pure static embeddable widget; then we partnered up to build a small SASS together with sign-up system, file uploading, player configuration and styling.
Email Signatures Builder
A template-based HTML email signature generator I built by request of a client. It generates an HTML you then paste into Gmail or other email systems.
Component Editor
This is a small experiment in creating an UI to build web components as if they were lego blocks. It's orbiting around the idea of the collaborative web building platform.
Archy Collab
An experimental multi-domain web app to edit websites from the web itself. In retrospective, it was a prelude to Hoja.
Mandelbrot Sandbox
A sandbox to explore the Mandelbrot fractal I built to satisfy my own curiosity
Prismata Subreddit Extension
A Chrome extension that, using the information of Prismata cards from the official wiki, it replaced all mentions of cards on the Prismata Subreddit with an iconed-text that showed the full card when hovering with the mouse.
Sequel to PlaytimeForTheBuck. A filterable games database scraped from Steam and from the Oculus Store. Built in 3 parts: the scrapper, the API and the frontend. It scraped games list, pages and reviews from steam, and video card benchmarks for the system requirements index. Is not offline anymore.
Factorio Mods Portal
This was a fan-made web app to publish Factorio mods, made when mods were shared on the forum only. I put a lot of effort on the design. The Factorio team actually contacted me to build the official mods portal afterwards, and this one was quickly deprecated.
Reddit Placebot
When Reddit launched the Reddit Place experiment in 2007, I got really into it and created this bot that allowed you to set up multiple account, a template image and coordinates, and it would just put the pixels automatically to create that image. Was very successful and adopted by many.
Playtime For The Buck
I wanted to answer this question: given the playtime information on Steam reviews, and knowing the price of games; what is the playtime-for-the-buck index for all games? Anyway, I built a scraper that run on my local machine and generated a static JSON file that was then used on a frontend to create a filterble table. All running on Github pages without a backend.
Mapa de Transporte
A local (Mar del Plata) bus network map visualizer. Back when Google Maps didn't show public transport and there weren't any functional apps either. It was driven by my curiosity to see all the bus routes superimposed on a map, and it was a huge satisfaction.
Target Shooter
A small game about shooting targets with the mouse; it has multiple stages and it gets progresively harder. It was my first experience with canvas and creating a functional game.
My first large project. I was really into web comics at the time. It was a comics translation and publishing platform, with a canvas-based editor that allowed to erase text and write translated text. It worked well but I didn't commit to actually produce content and share the site afterwards. The code was lost; this was before Github.