Astrological facts
To me it makes sense that we have a character sheet for our journey through material reality on Earth. It’s like having a manual for your body.
💎 Personal values
I’ve only recently started to inquire myself about my values. So far the following is what I most resonate with:
- Forgiveness
- Honesty
- Curiosity
- Peace
- Collaboration
I won’t elaborate further for now.
🧠 Beliefs
I exist; I’m alive. That’s as far as my certainty goes from personal experience.
Beyond personal experience I’ve adopted beliefs from knowledge I read that somehow makes sense, resonates with me or proves to be useful.
- I’m having a temporary human experience on planet Earth through time
- I agreed to voluntary amnesia
- There is reason for this journey; likely to learn something from an experience
- I cannot know who I am with my mind; and cannot conceive or transmit my beingness aside from the experience of being present
- I’m an individual being different from God but also part of God.
- God is a different person than me and I can relate to God in an intimate way as I relate to other human beings.
- God is benevolant, listens to me, provides me with what I ask for, and wants me to be happy.
- There are beings on subtler dimensions that are constantly looking after us beyond our conscious awareness.
- Service to God is my constitutional position, as a hand is to serve the whole body.
- All belief is a mental concept that covers up an ineffable part of an unknown truth that produces fear to look at.
- In this human experience I have a box, an ego, a personality, that I use to interact with the world. It’s like a spaceship perfectly equipped to my mission on this run.
- I have 5 bodies: Intellectual, Physical, Emotional, Energetic, Archetypal
- I have multiple ego states one which is adult, and others made up of childhood survival strategies
- Through certain processes can glimpse into a dimension of stillness and spaciousness; that’s always available to me and I can practice accessing and staying there.
- The mind is a complex programmable tool with the purpose of serving me
- Transformation happens through experience on my bodies, not only with intellectual understanding
- I’m radically responsible for everything in my life; irresponsibility is an illusion, a survival strategy of the ego to play victim.
🫶 Movements I resonate with
- Cooperativism
- Veganism / Ahimsa
- Open Source / Copyleft
- Archiarchy (the culture)
👨🚀 Current role model for a highly functional adult
If there was a ranking list of incredibleness for every person on the planet that I know, Clinton Callahan would be at the top. My box maintains the list and puts him on a pedestal.
Whatever I hear from him or watch him do, has a profound effect on my belief system.
It is at it is; I don’t know why. I don’t consider this to be good or bad; it’s just something I notice about the way I see Clinton Callahan.
⁉️ Life situation
- I’m currently coming to terms with the need to survive and gather money on modern culture in planet Earth.
- I have a son, Coral, a 3 years old bundle of joy.
- I’m wrestling with problematic use of Internet, streaming and videogames
- I’m living separate from the mother of my son; my son stays with me half the week.
- The way I’m living, I consider that I need about $500 per month to satisfy the basic survival needs of the body
- I have about $3500 in debt that I want to pay back
👻 Personality Traits
- I have tons of ideas all the time; I seldom put them in practice
- I often make promises I don’t fulfill trying to prove myself
- I have pride and insecurities that make it hard for myself to find work I’m willing to do
- I like dancing, making music and singing; I’m afraid to do it in public
- I crave working and being part of a team; I’m afraid of connection and being rejected
- Was vegan for 4 years and now I’m a more flexible vegetarian; still vegan at home but not dogmatic about it